Software Inc Easy Software Type


How much sales will vary. When a product is released, a random number is chosen and it is weighted using this number, and it will be multiplied for all sales. As an example, for games it is 0.5, since you can't count on good sales for a game, but for operating systems, it is 0, since they are generally in demand and necessary for a computer to work, so sales won't vary that much. Note that the effect of this value is very small as of Alpha 11.

Set to True if this product requires support by an operating system. If you only want support by specific operating system categories you can write it out like Computer or in list form like [ Computer; Console ]. If your software is not operating system dependent just omit this record.

How popular a software type is, which limits the maximum amount of potential consumers. Computer operating systems have 1 and Role Playing Games have 0.6. (Ignored if software type has categories defined)

How long products keep their interest after release and how long people will use the product in months. Computer operating systems have 72 and Role Playing Games have 24. (Ignored if software type has categories defined)

How much products of this type should ideally cost at 100% quality and interest. This should be omitted if you want to control the ideal pricing per category.

How many months this product should ideally take to make (This is in 1 employee months, meaning the value is not scaled by having a team working on it). This also controls how many features the player needs to select to satisfy a submarket. This is 40 for games and 75 for operating systems.

A list of three submarket names, e.g. [ Gameplay; Graphics; Story ]. Submarket ratios you define in categories and features should be in the same order you define the names in.

How likely AI companies are to develop sequels for this type of software, between 0 and 1. (Ignored if software type has categories defined)

The name generator to use for simulated companies or for when the player clicks the name button in the design document. (Will be used for all software categories which don't have one defined

Feature 1

The name of the feature as it will appear in feature panel in the design document window

Which specialization this feature maps to. This can be 2D, 3D, Network, etc. You can add new specializations to the game using this record by simply writing whatever you want.

The contents of the tooltip that will appear when hovering over the feature in the design document window.

How many months it takes to develop this feature

The coding to art balancing of the feature. 1 will mean this feature only requires programmers whereas 0 will mean it only requires artists, and 0.5 means a little bit of both.

A list of 3 values determining the submarket ratio, i.e. how this feature satisfies the submarkets. These three values are normalized, so you can put in any number. 3, 4 and 5 would result in 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12.

Subfeature 1

The name of the feature as it will appear in feature panel in the design document window.

The level of the feature, which controls who can work on it. Level 2 features give more submarket satisfaction than level 1 features. Level 3 features don't satisfy submarkets at all, but they have custom scripts.

The contents of the tooltip that will appear when hovering over the feature in the design document window.

How many months it takes to develop this feature.

The coding to art balancing of the feature. 1 will mean this feature only requires programmers whereas 0 will mean it only requires artists, and 0.5 means a little bit of both.

A list of 3 values determining the submarket ratio, i.e. how this feature satisfies the submarkets. These three values are normalized, so you can put in any number. 3, 4 and 5 would result in 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12.

Subfeature 2

The name of the feature as it will appear in feature panel in the design document window.

The level of the feature, which controls who can work on it. Level 2 features give more submarket satisfaction than level 1 features. Level 3 features don't satisfy submarkets at all, but they have custom scripts.

The contents of the tooltip that will appear when hovering over the feature in the design document window.

How many months it takes to develop this feature.

The coding to art balancing of the feature. 1 will mean this feature only requires programmers whereas 0 will mean it only requires artists, and 0.5 means a little bit of both.

A list of 3 values determining the submarket ratio, i.e. how this feature satisfies the submarkets. These three values are normalized, so you can put in any number. 3, 4 and 5 would result in 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12.

Subfeature 3

The name of the feature as it will appear in feature panel in the design document window.

The level of the feature, which controls who can work on it. Level 2 features give more submarket satisfaction than level 1 features. Level 3 features don't satisfy submarkets at all, but they have custom scripts.

The contents of the tooltip that will appear when hovering over the feature in the design document window.

How many months it takes to develop this feature.

The coding to art balancing of the feature. 1 will mean this feature only requires programmers whereas 0 will mean it only requires artists, and 0.5 means a little bit of both.

A list of 3 values determining the submarket ratio, i.e. how this feature satisfies the submarkets. These three values are normalized, so you can put in any number. 3, 4 and 5 would result in 3/12, 4/12 and 5/12.