Software Inc Easy Company Type Generator


Enter company type name. This will be the name of the file

The name/tag of the company type. If you pick a name of one of the built-in company types, you can override it.

The chance of a company of this type being founded every year. All company types in Software Inc. has this set to 0.2, as it seems to work pretty well.

The minimum amount of companies of this type there has to be on the market at any given point in time. 2 for computer OS, 3 for games.

The maximum amount of companies of this type there has to be on the market at any given point in time. 2 for computer OS, 6 for games.

Whether this company will develop frameworks for their products, which can be licensed by the player and other companies.

The types of products the company will release and how much effort they take(Chance). 1 means they can only work one product of that software type at any given time, 0.25 means they would be able to work on 4 of it at a time.